Yartygulak waits for friends: the children’s TV project for the most inquisitive

Yartygulak waits for friends: the children’s TV project for the most inquisitive

The Turkmen state puppet theatre together with the youth TV channel “Yashlyk” has prepared a New Year’s surprise for small fans of fairy tales. Inquisitive children are waited by interesting questions from Yartygulak and a bright dramatized program.

During holiday days and during vacation children can plunge into the world of national fairy tales, talk to their favourite characters and also to meet Father Frost, in a word, can wonderfully spend their time, without leaving home.

Today for young spectators a number of entertainments were developed, however one of the most favourite children’s shows was and is the puppet theatre.Dolls move, talk, sing and dance, causing in kids genuine delight and admiration.

Children see in them not toys, but live heroes of fascinating stories, they worry about them, rejoice with them, director of the puppet theatre Ilyas Durdyev says.

Thanks to the telecast, children will hear entertaining questions which are useful to development of logic thinking. As the director marks, the puppet theatre renders huge educational, aesthetic and emotional influence.

For the first time with Yartygulak we realized an idea of preparation of a telecast on the Kurban-Bayram.The small but bold hero of the Turkmen national fairy tale fights against injustice, showing thus ingenuity, dexterity and bravery, the representative of TV channel “Yashlyk” Shahymerdan Dovletov says.

In the light of fantastic characters kids learn to distinguish the good and evil.

Actors of the theatre use the best efforts so that doll plays are bright, substantial, interesting and informative. As they confirm, the best award for them glowing eyes, cheerful smiles and joyful laughter of children.

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