Workshop on International Finance Reporting standards, January 2020

Workshop on International Finance Reporting standards, January 2020

April 7, 2020 | Category : NewsSorry, this entry is only available in English.For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language.You may click the link to switch the active language.ASHGABAT, TURKMENISTAN, January 2020: Senior Non-Key expert Ms Marine Gazaryan implemented a two-day workshop on International Finance Reporting Standards for 14 teachers from the Turkmen Vocational School of Engineering and Technology of Ministry of Textile Industry.

Since 2019 Turkmenistan has moved to international standards but is still in an initial phase to create the required institutional infrastructure that produces the necessary educational supply to meet demand.

TVET teachers are well-positioned to close the current schism between business needs and governmental decision-making on the one hand and the realities on the ground on the other side.Ms Gazaryan evaluated the current legislation and developed a package of training and methodological materials that can be used by the participants when teaching IFRS.

She created video-lectures about critical principles of IFRS and integrated the course in the project’s Learning Management System “Moodle”.All participants appreciated the input, highlighted the quality of teaching and the use of new, digital approaches to meet the current needs of the textile industry in strengthening international competitiveness.More information is available here: Snapshot of the activityInformation about the activity Photos The workshop at the project’s Learning Management System MoodleAttendance sheers and anonymous evaluation sheets (upon requests)Tags: IFRS, Further EducationBackgroundThe EU engagements in Turkmenistan focus on strengthening resilience, increasing prosperity and promoting regional cooperation.

As part of ongoing efforts, the third education project “Supporting the Education Sector in Turkmenistan” continues to support the Turkmen Government in creating a modern education system that meets international educational standards and labour market needs.The project runs for 48 months, from October 2016 to September 2020.

Two components comprise more than 30 activities, from capacity building to platform development, from curriculum updating to career guidance.If you have any questions, please contact the project office (e-mail: or the project assistant Gulistan Bekniyazova (Mob: +99 365 807024).

Project website:

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