On March 26, many countries around the world celebrate Purple Day. So the Day of People with Epilepsy is called. It was established in 2008. On this day, public events are held in support for epileptics, information about epilepsy is disseminated, and fundraising is conducted to support epileptics who need help.
Anyone can show solidarity with epileptics by wearing something purple that day.
Purple Day got its start thanks to Canadian girl Cassidy Megan, who has epilepsy and acutely felt the neglect of her peers and adults.
The girl decided to change the attitude of society towards this and prove to the whole world that those with epilepsy are normal people who must not suffer from other people’s prejudices.
Her initiative was supported by the Canadian Epilepsy Association of Nova Scotia, and then by many organizations around the world.As early as 2009, 100 thousand students, about 100 public associations and over 100 famous politicians joined Purple Day, and the television tower in Toronto turned purple for one evening.
Since then, on March 26, information about the neurological disorder and first aid that can be provided to people suffering from it has been spreading around the world.Conferences of epileptologists and psychiatrists are timed to coincide with Purple Day, which are designed to address topical issues in the treatment of epilepsy, share experience of successful treatment and use of antiepileptic drugs.
The epileptological centers host celebrations and events for epileptics. In addition, there are auctions, fairs, concerts and sporting events that raise funds for those unfortunate enough to live with this diagnosis.
There are many such people in the world.Epilepsy is considered one of the most common human chronic neurological disorders.In this case, one of the parts of the cerebral cortex begins to work too actively.
It suppresses and subdues the rest of the neurons.Consequently, all cells of the cortex are engulfed in synchronous excitation.An attack occurs accompanied by convulsions, loss of consciousness, falling (this feature is associated with the Russian name of the disease “falling sickness”).
Head trauma, stroke, meningitis, and certain diseases can cause this hyperactive zone.
According to the WHO, up to 1% of the world’s population has epilepsy, which accounts for 50 million people.But only 25% of them get adequate medication.
But it is important to know that modern medicines allow completely curing a person from attacks in 70% of cases.Such drugs are effective and low-toxic.These do not affect the state of mind and mood.
Epilepsy is one of the few chronic diseases in which the achievement of stable remission is possible: people study, work, create families and give birth to healthy children, that is, they live a normal full-fledged life.
There is evidence that many famous people had epilepsy. They include Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Nostradamus, Dante Alighieri, Ivan the Terrible, Napoleon Bonaparte, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Alfred Nobel, Vincent van Gogh.
The ancient Greeks and Romans called epilepsy “divine intervention” and “Herculean disease”. One of the medieval manuals on communication with spirits said that if not properly prepared for the ritual the magician could experience an epileptic attack.
The purple (or lavender) color was not chosen as the symbol of the Day by chance.It is believed that this color has a calming effect on the nervous system, reduces anxiety, phobias and fears.
Therefore, on March 26, all participants in the Day’s events or simply caring people pin up purple ribbons or wear purple clothing elements, thus expressing their support for people with epilepsy.