USAID, Rysgal Bank to Create Turkmenistan’s First Venture Capital Fund

USAID, Rysgal Bank to Create Turkmenistan’s First Venture Capital Fund

The US Agency for International Development (USAID), in partnership with Rysgal Bank, held a conference to discuss steps to create Turkmenistan's first venture capital fund in Ashgabat on Thursday, USAID informed in its press release to the media.

Private-sector investors, financial institution representatives, IT businesses, higher education institutions, government officials, founders of international venture capital funds, and specialists from Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, and Singapore attended the meeting.

The forum agenda comprised talks from notable firms and organizations in the innovation and venture capital industries, including Vitosha Ventures, "Türkmenaragatnaşyk" Agency, MOST Ventures, and Quest Ventures.

Participants of the conference had an excellent opportunity to improve their awareness of investment techniques, benefits of venture capital funds, and many elements of investment activity.

The US government established USAID in 1961 to give economic and social aid overseas. Currently, USAID works in over 100 countries worldwide.

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