UIET Member Businesses Harvest Over 150 Thousand Tons of Crops

UIET Member Businesses Harvest Over 150 Thousand Tons of Crops

Member businesses of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan (UIET) harvested more than 150 thousand tons of crops in the first half of 2021.

The export potential of private agricultural producers, specializing in growing different varieties of tomatoes and other crops in greenhouses, has grown significantly, the official media of Turkmenistan reported last Friday. Dozens of greenhouses with a total area of 450 hectares presently operate in rural areas.

According to the UIET Agricultural Department, in the spring season alone, the greenhouse farmers exported around 50 thousand tons of tomatoes abroad, which is more than in the entire 2020 period.

The UIET members also harvested over 7 thousand tons of mung beans, exporting 6 thousand tons of the legumes to neighboring countries for the first time.

Established in 2008, the UIET unites over 25 thousand businesses working in different sectors of the economy.

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