Turkmenistan provided benefits for Tajik heavy cargo in the port of Turkmenbashy

Turkmenistan provided benefits for Tajik heavy cargo in the port of Turkmenbashy

Minister of Transport of Tajikistan Azim Ibrohim announced new transit benefits for Tajik heavy vehicles in Turkmenistan. According to the statement, Tajik trucks can now stay free of charge at the Turkmenbashi port terminal for up to 60 days, Sputnik Tajikistan reports.

This decision was the result of an agreement between Tajikistan and Turkmenistan aimed at improving conditions for the transit of goods.The Turkmenbashi International Seaport, opened in May 2018, is a major logistics hub in the region.

The port is located on an area of 152 hectares and includes various terminals, including passenger, container, bulk and general cargo, as well as polypropylene.

The port's infrastructure allows it to serve up to 17 ships simultaneously, with a total berth length of 1,800 meters. The port is capable of handling 300 thousand passengers and 75 thousand trucks annually. Its throughput capacity is 17 million tons of cargo, not counting petroleum products.

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