Turkmenistan participated in the first informal meeting of the heads of diplomatic missions of Central Asia, Mongolia and the Caribbean

Turkmenistan participated in the first informal meeting of the heads of diplomatic missions of Central Asia, Mongolia and the Caribbean

The historic first informal meeting of the heads of diplomatic missions of the countries of Central Asia, Mongolia and the Caribbean was held in Brussels.

Turkmenistan was represented by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Belgium Sapar Palvanov.

According to the press service of the Embassy of Turkmenistan, the meeting marked a new stage in interregional cooperation and was held with the aim of exchanging experience in expanding trade, economic and industry partnerships.

The parties noted that there is a similar position of the countries of Central Asia and the Caribbean on issues of strengthening global dialogue and international security.

Jamaican Ambassador Simone Betton-Nayo, speaking on behalf of the Caribbean countries, expressed her willingness to share experience in promoting climate, innovation, humanitarian and trade dialogues.

Sapar Palvanov emphasized that Brussels is a convenient platform for such meetings and confirmed Turkmenistan’s readiness to continue to support and develop this format.

The agenda of the meeting included issues of visa regime, increasing the number of flights and expanding the geography of flights, tourism, education, digitalization, cultural and humanitarian interaction and strengthening democratic institutions.

During the meeting, a video was shown about the tourism opportunities of the countries of Central Asia, including Turkmenistan.

In conclusion, the parties agreed to support this format of meetings.

This meeting was initiated by the ambassadors of the countries of Central Asia and Mongolia accredited in Belgium, the source notes.

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