Project of the State Committee for Natural Protection and Land Resources carried out with the support of the Global Ecological Fund and the UN Development Programme has started in Turkmenistan.
Activities for formation of environmentally friendly urban systems, reduction of green gases emission, introduction of energy saving technologies will be carried out for six years in Ashgabat and Avaza National tourist zone.
The Council of the project is comprised of specialists of the Ministries of Motor Transport, Construction and Architecture, Energy as well as the State Committees for Tourism and Natural Protection and Land Resources, administrations of Ashgabat and Avaza etrap, Turkmenbashy.
Three main directions of coming work including the development of sustainable transport in climate change conditions, energy saving and waste management have been outlined during the first meeting with the participation of representatives of the Mejlis, State Committee for Hydrometeorology under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, national experts in climate, ecological law and natural protection fields.
Planned activities for provision of common access to reliable sources of energy, change over to rational models of consumption and productions, economic growth, involvement of the population meet the provisions of the Programme of social and economic development of Turkmenistan in 2017 2023 and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Our country will present voluntary report on the achievement of the SDGs in 2019, Manager of the Project Batyr Balliyev noted.Introduction of energy efficient street lighting system, recycling, creation of smart motor fleet’, which will be the first project of this kind in Central Asia, are very topical for Ashgabat.
The Project plans to develop and implement the programmes of garbage disposal and recycling with active participation of private structure, which has experience in this sphere.Special attention will be paid to the monitoring of ecological condition of the capital.
Interest of partners of the project, the state authorities, were raised by the proposals on optimization of city traffic including the marking and planning of additional bus and bicycle lanes and tracks, creation of mobile applications for passengers.
The proposal on use of electrical vehicles, hybrids and popularization of green’ transport like bicycles and scooters has been supported.The proposals on development of tourist infrastructure, expansion of parking zones, rational water supply and recycling as well as introduction of smart grids modernized power supply networks based on the technology of gathering of information about the consumption of electricity, which allows improving the efficiency, reliability, stability of production and distribution of energy, are very topical for Avaza.