Turkmenistan is studying the experience of recognizing non-formal education in Lyon

Turkmenistan is studying the experience of recognizing non-formal education in Lyon

The delegation of Turkmenistan, which included representatives of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, is taking part in the international seminar “Improving the system of recognition of non-formal education and skills acquired through self-study”, which takes place in Lyon, France from November 5 to 7.

The event is organized by the European Education Foundation (ETF) and the French agency AFPA. The main goal of the seminar is to introduce the participating countries to the French VAE (Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience) - “Recognition of Experience” system and inspire them to introduce new reforms in this area in their national systems.

Representatives from Europe and Central Asia, the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean countries also take part in the event. Participation in the seminar allowed representatives from different countries to exchange experiences on the topic of recognition of non-formal education.

Turkmenistan is currently working to improve the recognition system for non-formal education.In particular, a roadmap for the assessment and recognition of professional qualifications, a national framework for professional qualifications has been developed, and work is underway to amend the relevant legislation.

In addition, cooperation between the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population is intensifying.In Turkmenistan, this seminar is given great importance, since the knowledge and exchange of experience gained at the international level opens the way to new approaches.

At the end of the seminar, participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the national heritage of France, according to a press release from the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

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