Turkmenistan, ILO Cooperate on Ensuring Decent Work in Cotton Industry

Turkmenistan, ILO Cooperate on Ensuring Decent Work in Cotton Industry

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan on Tuesday hosted an interdepartmental round table with the participation of a delegation from the International Labor Organization led by Corinne Varga, Director of the ILO International Labor Standards Department.

The main topic of the round table was to discuss the prospects for cooperation with the ILO on ensuring decent work in the cotton industry.

From Turkmen side, the round table was attended by deputy heads of 14 ministries and departments, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, and the Center of Trade Unions, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan said in its press release.

During the meeting, Turkmen representatives and international ILO experts shared their views and proposals for addressing issues related to ensuring decent work in Turkmenistan's cotton sector with full compliance with ILO conventions and recommendations.

Such a format of discussion allowed the Turkmen side to get acquainted with the vision of the ILO experts on this issue in relation to Turkmenistan, share Turkmenistan’s capabilities and needs, and outline the range of tasks of the project in legal and practical terms.

ILO is a United Nations agency operating to advance social and economic justice through setting international labour standards. Established in 1919, The ILO has 187 member states. It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, with around 40 field offices around the world.

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