Turkmenistan has changed the rules for technical inspection and driving license exams for residents of the city of Arkadag

Turkmenistan has changed the rules for technical inspection and driving license exams for residents of the city of Arkadag

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan has made changes to the procedure for conducting technical inspections of vehicles and passing qualifying exams for obtaining a driver's license for residents of the city of Arkadag.

The corresponding order was signed by the Minister of Internal Affairs, Major General of Police Muhammet Hydyrov on July 26, 2024 and registered with the Ministry of Adalat (Justice) on August 3, 2024.

According to the new rules, the technical inspection of vehicles registered in the city of Arkadag will be carried out by employees of the group for determining the technical condition of vehicles of the traffic police department of the Arkadag city police department.

The procedure will be carried out in the building of the corresponding group of the traffic police department of the Gokdepe etrap police department of the Ahal velayat Police Department.

As for qualifying examinations for obtaining a driver's license, for persons registered or residing in the city of Arkadag, this procedure will now be carried out by the Registration and Examination Unit of the Traffic Police Department of the Ahal velayat Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan.

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