Turkmenistan has been selected to the post of deputy chairman of UNECE

Turkmenistan has been selected to the post of deputy chairman of UNECE

On the second day of the 69th session of the UN Economic Commission for Europe which was held in the mixed format in Geneva, elections for officials for 2021-2023 took place. Turkmenistan as well as Switzerland were elected vice chairman of UNECE. The post of the chairman was taken by Austria from the Republic of Byelorussia.

After voting the permanent representative of Turkmenistan in Geneva Atageldi Haljanov made a speech. He stated that Turkmenistan will take an active part in the work of the Economic Commission for Europe, basing upon the principles of positive neutrality and the course of expansion of constructive international cooperation.

During the meeting a number of issues according to its agenda were discussed. So, in the high level segment where Minister of Finance and Economy Muhammetgeldi Serdarov participated, business prospects in transition to circular economy were discussed.

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