Turkmenistan Harvests 82.4 Thousand Tons of Rice

Turkmenistan Harvests 82.4 Thousand Tons of Rice

Farmers in Tukmenistan’s Lebap and Dashoguz velayats harvested 82.4 thousand tons of rice from 18.3 hectares of land this year.

This year, the fields were mostly planted with high-yield rice varieties of Bereketli, Munbashy, Alenga, the country’s official media reported on Thursday.

Particularly, the farmers of Turkmenistan’s eastern velayat of Lebap managed to harvest 47.4 thousand tons of rice from 10.2 thousand hectares this year. At the same time, 35 thousand tons of the crop were harvested from 8.1 thousand hectares of land in the country’s northern region of Dashoguz.

This year, farmers of Lebap also harvested over 32 thousand tons of potatoes, over 13.6 thousand tons of tomatoes, more than 22.5 thousand tons of onion, over 4.5 thousand tons of cabbage and 42 thousand tons of gourds.

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