Turkmenistan exploring Russia’s experience in creating e-gov’t

Turkmenistan exploring Russia’s experience in creating e-gov’t

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, May 1

By Huseyn Hasanov Trend:

A delegation of the Ministry of Industry and Communication of Turkmenistan and the Turkmenaragatnashyk (Turkmen communication) Agency is on a working visit in Kazan city of Russia’s Tatarstan Republic, Trend reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Informatization and Communication of Tatarstan.

The purpose of the visit is familiarization with the experience in creating an e-government, certification center, in ensuring the protection of communication networks from cyber threats, introduction and development of the digital economy, the report said.

Head of the Information and New Technologies Department of the Ministry of Industry and Communication of Turkmenistan Annanur Sukhanberdiev met with Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Informatization and Communication Roman Shaikhutdinov.

The delegation of Turkmenistan visited the main objects of Innopolis town of Tatarstan, the Interregional Competence Center - Kazan College of Informatization and Communication, as well as the high-tech technology park "IT-Park". The main IT projects of Tatarstan were presented, including the electronic document management system, digital services "People's Control" and "People’s Inspector" , as well as others.

In the beginning of this year, Turkmenistan started the implementation of the Digital Economy Development Concept, which is designed for the period up to 2025.

The project consists of a roadmap for technological transformation in all industries and their state management, the formation of a knowledge economy based on the country's resource and production potential.

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