Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan intend to develop the “Avaza-Khorezm” tourism cooperation program

Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan intend to develop the “Avaza-Khorezm” tourism cooperation program

Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are considering the possibility of developing a cooperation program between the “Avaza” National Tourist Zone and the Khorezm region.

This cooperation program involves organizing mutual trips between the “Avaza” NTZ and Khorezm.

According to “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”, the initiative was voiced on the sidelines of the 12th session of the Islamic Conference of Ministers of Tourism of the member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which ended in Khiva.

The conference was attended by ministers of the tourism industry from 57 OIC member countries and representatives of a number of international organizations. The Turkmen delegation was headed by the country's Minister of Culture Atageldy Shamuradov.

The XII session of the Islamic Conference of Ministers of Tourism of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation was held on the topic “Sustainable development of the tourism industry”. The forum participants adopted resolutions aimed at developing pilgrimage, medical and environmental tourism.

At the forum, the city of Khiva was declared the tourist capital of the Islamic world in 2024, the source notes.

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