The Russian network edition МК in Astrakhan (Moscow Komsomolets ), in honour of the 25th anniversary from the date of obtaining the status of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan has published an extensive illustrated article where diplomats and scientists told about the significance of neutrality and plans of cooperation with Russia.
The editorial office of ORIENT provides extracts from the article of its Russian colleagues.
Our friends and neighbours on the Caspian Sea have a big national holiday 25th anniversary of obtaining of the status of permanent neutrality.Turkmenistan is a strategic partner and close friend of the Astrakhan region.
Notable results of cooperation in trade and economic and humanitarian spheres were reached.During the recent years on the Astrakhan shipyards to orders of the companies working in Turkmenistan, variety of objects of fleet of different function has been constructed and repaired.
In turn new orders.
The regular auto ferry service between ports of Olya and Turkmenbashi develops. Opening possibilities in the territory of the Astrakhan region a logistic centre of Turkmenistan are considered. In the Astrakhan high schools are trained over two thousand students from Turkmenistan.
On the eve of the national holiday МК in Astrakhan asked top politicians and scientists of Turkmenistan to tell about the value of neutrality and plans of cooperation with Russia.
Turkmenistan is known all over the world as the neutral state which is guided in it foreign policy by principles of peace, good neighbourhood and friendship.The benevolent foreign policy of neutral Turkmenistan promotes strengthening of international cooperation in the field of study and preservation of historical and cultural heritage of Turkmenistan, definition of directions of cooperation and access to a new level, carrying out a complex work on cultural heritage study.
Now permanent constantly neutral states are Switzerland, Austria, Malta and Turkmenistan.Acceptance of the resolution of the UN General Assembly on permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan has stimulated to foreign policy and diplomatic activity of our country.
For example, in the beginning of October, 2020 Turkmenistan established diplomatic relations with 149 countries of the world, became a member of about 50 international organisations, also became the participant in more 150th international conventions, contracts and other multilateral documents.
We widely involve foreign experts in training of our students. Cooperation agreements with foreign partners were reached: the Belarus state medical university, Peking university of Chinese medicine, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Romania, Federal Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases and the Astrakhan state medical university.
Delegations as a part of our professors, teachers and students, visited, in particular, the Astrakhan state medical university, organised scientifically-practical conferences and the exhibitions devoted to multivolume scientifically-encyclopaedic work of the president of Turkmenistan Medicinal plants of Turkmenistan.
Turkmenistan realises large-scale projects on development of routes “East-West”, “North-South” within the limits of trade and transport services.
One of them is the international transport corridor Afghanistan Turkmenistan Azerbaijan Georgia Turkey. In November, 2018 in the national tourist zone of “Avaza” the International conference of ministers of transport of the countries-participants of the Agreement on transit and transport cooperation between Turkmenistan, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the Azerbaijan Republic, Republic of Georgia and Turkish Republic took place.
With a view of further diversification of directions of transport policy of our country possibilities transport transit corridors between Caspian and Black seas, Central Asia and the Near East are studied.
In our country convenient and safe international corridors with involvement railway, automobile, air and water transport that provides sustainable development in the region, promoting good-neighbourhood between the people, cooperation strengthening, increase in volumes of goods turnover are created.
Globally important issue for all countries of the world the initiative of the president of Turkmenistan on rational use of water resources, got a big support from the world countries.
Turkmenistan has achieved considerable successes in this area as a result of thoughtful work in the field of water diplomacy. Building of the Turkmen lake Altyn asyr is very important project. Turkmenistan has done important work during its chairmanship of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea.
Representatives of Turkmenistan also told about joint projects with the Russian Federation in the education sphere. The Turkmen-Russian school named after A.S.Pushkin in Ashkhabad, opened in 2002 is a vivid example for this purpose.
Now the school has produced hundreds of graduates, from them 50 have received gold medals. 95 % of graduates continue their study in higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation.
In expansion of interstate humanitarian cooperation a Turkmen secondary school constructed in the Funtovo village of the Privolzhskiy district of the Astrakhan region at the expense of Turkmenistan is of great importance.
In the XVII century the Turkmens living on the coast of the Caspian Sea, moved to the Lower Volga region. Now their descendants, having kept their language, traditions and customs, live in the village of Funtovo. The new school promotes development of friendship between two states.