Turkmen scientists intend to widely use oil from silkworm pupae in cosmetology

Turkmen scientists intend to widely use oil from silkworm pupae in cosmetology

Scientists at the Technology Center of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan are actively working on the development of domestic cosmetology.As Altyn Rahmanova, head of the biotechnology laboratory, tells on the pages of the “Neutral Turkmenistan” newspaper, one of the recent developments is a product for hand and body skin care, which contains a moisturizing component based on oil obtained from silkworm waste, while acting as a biologically active supplements use extracts of medicinal plants.

The ointment has anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and antioxidant effects while simultaneously saturating the skin with oxygen. It tones, softens and nourishes the skin, improves skin respiration, is non-toxic and does not cause allergic reactions.

Natural chrysalid oil, obtained from silkworm pupae, is universal in its purpose.Among all the wealth of oils valuable for cosmetology, it occupies a special place, not only because of its exoticism, but also due to its wide range of beneficial properties.

The oil is a natural product in the form of an oily liquid substance of red-yellow color.The chemical composition of oil from silkworm pupae is rich in biologically active substances, namely: vitamin complex (A, D, B, E), amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids (linolenic acid), soluble proteins.

Chrysalid oil is a godsend for modern cosmetology.During age-related changes, it serves as an excellent antioxidant and will slow down the aging process: the skin will instantly feel a lifting effect thanks to the unique ability of chrysalid oil to significantly enhance the effect of elastin and collagen; it will return freshness and elasticity to dull and tired skin.

When caring for dry hair and scalp, this natural oil nourishes well and maintains optimal water balance. Thus, based on the oil of silkworm pupae, you can make effective cosmetic masks and hair strengthening products, cleansing emulsions, anti-aging serums, softeners after peeling, shaving and hair removal, noted A. Rahmanova.

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