Turkmen sambo wrestlers won 21 medals at the Asian and Oceanian Championships

Turkmen sambo wrestlers won 21 medals at the Asian and Oceanian Championships

Athletes of Turkmenistan won 21 medals at the Asian and Oceanian Sambo Championships in Macau (PRC). Athletes from 20 countries took part in the competition, reports the International SAMBO Federation.

In combat sambo, Bagul Nuryeva (up to 50 kg) and Rushana Nurjavova (up to 59 kg) received gold.Silver was won by Kerim Kerimov (up to 64 kg), Zarina Abdyrahmanova (up to 54 kg) and Sabina Agajanova (over 80 kg).

Alihan Aydogdyev (up to 58 kg), Maksat Annagylyjov (up to 79 kg), Agasapar Muhadov (up to 88 kg), Bezirgen Begenjov (over 98 kg) and Gulzada Jorakuliyeva (up to 72 kg) took bronze.

In sports sambo, silver went to Kambar Umarov (up to 71 kg), Agamyrat Bashimov (up to 88 kg) and Aziza Nazarova (up to 50 kg).Bronze was received by Babamurat Bayramov (up to 58 kg), Sapar Dovletov (up to 64 kg), Nedir Allaberdiyev (up to 79 kg), Sayara Rozyeva (up to 54 kg), Madina Aydogdyeva (up to 59 kg), Ziba Orunova (up to 72 kg), Saodat Ishmuradova (up to 80 kg) and Sabina Agajanova (over 80 kg).

Kazakhstan is in the lead in the medal standings (26 medals: 15-7-4), Uzbekistan is second (19 medals: 8-1-10), and Turkmenistan is third (21 medals: 2-6-13).

The head of the Sambo Union of Asia and Oceania, Alamjon Mullayev, noted the high level of organization of the tournament and the expansion of the geography of medalists. He emphasized the successes of the Korean and Indian national teams in combat sambo, as well as the Filipino athletes in women's sports sambo.

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