Turkmen Delegation Participates in 7th International Fisheries Forum

Turkmen Delegation Participates in 7th International Fisheries Forum

The Turkmen delegation participated in the 7th International Fisheries Forum and Exhibition of Fish Industry, Seafood, and Technology, according to official Turkmen media reports on Tuesday. The event featured vibrant exhibitions and a comprehensive business program, including roundtable discussions, presentations, roadshows, scientific seminars, and business sessions.

The delegation included representatives from the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A.Niyazov.As part of the Global Fishery Forum & Seafood Expo Russia 2024, an international roundtable on "International Cooperation in Implementing Educational and Research Projects in the Fisheries Sector" was held.

S.Annamukhammedov, Head of the Livestock Department at the university, delivered a report highlighting the importance of exchanging views on measures to develop the fishing industry.

During the discussions, representatives from the Astrakhan State Technical University and its branch in the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan expressed their willingness to actively collaborate with the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov.

"This event has opened a dialogue between universities aiming to establish and expand cooperation in implementing scientific projects. The roundtable and the forum overall served as a platform for creating a new model of international scientific and educational collaboration in training specialists for the fisheries sector," said Annamukhammedov.

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