Turkmen “Avaza” welcomes participants of the international festival from around the world

Turkmen “Avaza” welcomes participants of the international festival from around the world

Participants of the International Dance and Folklore Festival Awaza-2023, which opens on June 13, have arrived at the “Avaza” National Tourist Zone.

The creative forum brought together original performers - ethnic groups and dance ensembles from Iran, India, Kazakhstan, Romania, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Among them are folklore groups popular outside their countries, many of which have repeatedly taken part in cultural events held in Turkmenistan.

The grand opening and the first concert of the Awaza-2023 International Dance and Folklore Festival will be held on June 13 from 19.00 to 21.30 on the banks of the ancient Hazar, on the open stage of the park with an interactive fountain.

Within the framework of festival program will include the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Traditions of Folk Art and Folk Dance”, master classes, creative meetings and concerts.

An interesting cultural program has been prepared for the guests, including acquaintance with the sights of the “Avaza” National Tourist Zone.

The organizers of the creative action are the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan and the hyakimlik of the Balkan velayat.

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