At the Cabinet session held on 28 June Deputy Prime Minister Mammetkhan Chakyev briefed the President on the initiative to introduce an “Urgent taxi” service (Tiz Taxi) which was launched in the capital.
The state information agency TDH reported that the cellular communications provider “Altyn Asyr” had designed an application which will allow passengers to map a route, call a taxi and ascertain the fare.
In its feature set, the app prompts Uber, Lyft or which are popular overseas.
The report by the Deputy Prime Minister was accompanied by a demonstration of the advertising or, as referred to by TDH, a“special-purpose” video.
President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov approved the proposal to introduce the “Urgent taxi” service and ordered that taxis be equipped with a PDQ machine, location sensing and speed control devices.
To be employed in Tiz Taxi, drivers need to register the application on the website and have an interview in the company’s office. Additionally, a passenger transportation license is required.
The vehicle should be no older than 10 years whereas no “checkers” or other taxi identification signs are required.