Turkmen Agricultural University masters teaching in English

Turkmen Agricultural University masters teaching in English

An interesting initiative was introduced into the educational process at the Turkmen Agricultural University. For some time now, classes in some majors have been held completely in English. This was done both to support the study of foreign languages ​​by Turkmen students in general, and deeper involve future professionals in the world of international scientific and industrial information.

Classes in English are conducted in such areas as veterinary medicine, textile manufacture, agricultural economics, food processing industry, hydro amelioration, agricultural mechanization, agronomy and ecology.This helps students to know better international terminology, understand the differences in wording and the meaning of a number of terms, which will contribute in the future to their more effective communication with foreign colleagues.

Before introducing English-language classes, university teachers themselves underwent special language training for several years and successfully met a rather difficult challenge. One of the main goals of this project is to ensure the compliance of domestic universities with world educational standards and the promotion of them in world university ratings.

To consolidate the achievements and stimulate the further process in this area, the TAU holds English Language Weeks and various competitions. Recently, another competition of presentations has taken place, when the teachers themselves presented their qualification.

The competition was attended by 44 teachers, and their English proficiency was assessed by experts from the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages ​​named after D.Azadi and the International University for Humanities and Development.

The appliaction of modern teaching methods, the clarity of the teaching material for the audience and the general content of the presentations were also taken into consideration.

A similar competition is already planned for April among students who, together with their teachers, are now preparing for this test with great enthusiasm.

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