The big old trees possess a special attraction.After all each of them is a live witness of history.The grown tree is a kind and long memory which is left after himself by the human on the Earth.
It is not without reason that one of problems of the man along with construction of the house and education of the son was to plant a tree.
In Ashkhabad there are many trees -old residents. So, the mulberry grows in the park at railway station, which is almost 140 years old. It is named Coeval of Ashkhabad.
Now the park just wakes up, the old khan-tut also revives, its juice has already directed to thin branches on a powerful hollow trunk with century formations. Also soon it will be covered with magnificent green lace of fresh foliage its branchy crone in which birds will begin to chirp.
This tree was one of the first on the avenue of park which was started to build in 1887 In the report of a member of the Russian society of gardening A.A.Chernoglazov to the chief of Zakaspiysky area concerning the accomplishment of gardens in Ashkhabad was told: The character of landings in a garden, except decorative value, will have, undoubtedly, scientific interest in sense of acclimatisation.
In the garden it is necessary to have nursery in which should be 20 30 species of apples, as much pears, 20 varieties of peaches, 10 species of plums and apricots, some kinds of berry bushes (raspberry, gooseberry, a strawberry), 40 50 species of grapes.
Besides, there are 100-120 varieties of decorative trees and the bushes capable to adapt to local environmental conditions.
In three years the city park from the office of the chief of Zakaspiysky area had been transferred to the district management.At that time according to the inventory, 1842 saplings of different species were agreed to plant: acacias, maple, Greek nut, poplar balsam, and mulberry.
In 1895 and 1898 the new lay-out and park was replenished by more valuable species of trees.When in the beginning of 1901 the nursery and a site for experiences on acclimatisation of plants had been transferred to the department of forestry of Zakaspiysky area the most part of plants had been transferred to Koshi.
It is said that the mulberry was planted personally by the head of the department of forestry of Zakaspiysky area Morozov. After six years he had brought to the city from the Tbilisi botanical garden the oldest pine of Ashkhabad. The mulberry or mulberry is one of the most widespread trees in the territory of Turkmenistan.
About the mulberry earlier ORIENT also has written. The greatest value of mulberry is not in its fruits, but in its strong wood, and in young leaves, after all they are irreplaceable forage for caterpillars of silkworm from which cocoons silk, one of the most valuable fabrics in the world is made.
Roman Teplyakov Photo Vyacheslav Sarkisyan