The Turkmen team won the silver medals of the “STEAM-Azerbaijan-2022” festival

The Turkmen team won the silver medals of the “STEAM-Azerbaijan-2022” festival

The national team of Turkmenistan, which included students from the Ashgabat secondary specialized school № 97 with in-depth study of languages and students from the Magtymguly Turkmen State University, won silver medals at the international festival “STEAM-Azerbaijan 2022”.

The festival was held in a competitive format in 10 nominations. In parallel, there was an exhibition of advanced innovative projects.

Young people from Turkmenistan participated in the competition of projects in the field of robotics, as well as in the hackathon.

The school team consisting of Maksat Kakajanov, Polat Bayramov, Kumysh Jumalyeva, Gulhatyja Atayeva, Rahatgeldy Atayev and Merdan Muhammetorazov won the 2nd place in the team event.

The second place was won by the student team, which included fourth-year students Shovket Shohradov, Yakub Velliyev and Aziz Bibitov.

The Turkmen delegation was headed by a school chemistry teacher Amanmyrat Torayev and a university teacher Begli Begjanov as leaders.

For the participants of the festival, an excursion program was organized around the historical and architectural sights of Baku.

In total, the festival brought together about 900 participants, who performed as part of almost 300 teams, reported on today's “Neutral Turkmenistan” newspaper.

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