The residents of the Republic of Korea introduced of the cultural traditions of the Turkmen people

Organizers of the creative cycle "History of Korean and Central Asian Folk Music", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and the countries of Central Asia, were the Korean Foundation and the Cultural Center of Asia.

In the cities of Seoul and Kwangju were conducted concerts with the participation of performers of folk and variety songs, folklore collectives of Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea.

The soloists and collectives of the Mukams Palace of the State Cultural Center, the Turkmen National Conservatory, the Nurmuhammet Andalib Music and Drama Theater, the Dashoguz Special School of Arts named after M. Garlyev represented the Turkmen creative delegation. In the performance of bakhshi and variety, singers were performed, original folk songs and modern compositions.

The publications of Central Asian countries were presented in the foyer of the National Museum in Seoul where the book exhibition was opened.The national exposition by support of the Embassy of Turkmenistan in the Republic of Korea, introduced the achievements of modern Turkmenistan and its historical and cultural attractions.

The works of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov were of particular interest.

Representatives of state structures, business circles of the Republic of Korea, the diplomatic corps, the public, as well as students from Central Asian countries studying in Korea took part in the events.

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