The resident of Turkmenistan who threatened to set herself and her children on fire obtains residence registration and gets a job

In late October “Chronicles of Turkmenistan” told a story of Annagogel K., who had been unable to get residence registration and, consequently, be legally employed because of bureaucracy. A desperate woman threatened to set herself and her children on fire.

Following the publication Annagozel was invited to the khyakimlik’s office of Magtymguly etrap, Balkan velayat.After clarifying the circumstances of her case and checking the documents, she and her children were registered in her spouse’s house.

Moreover, Annagozel was offered a nurse’s job on a three-quarter-time basis and her husband Gurbangeldi B.was offered a position of a combine operator in the local department of the state holding “Obakhyzmat”.

A deputy khyakim admonished Annagozel for causing a stire to draw the attention of foreign media outlets.She said that the woman should have contacted the khyakimlik’s office.

Annagozel showed her copies of her written petitions to all authorities, including the khyakimlik’s offce of Magtymguly etrap.The female official promised to pay сloser attention to the problems of local inhabitants from now on.

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