The President of Turkmenistan opened the main mosque of the Balkan velayat

The President of Turkmenistan opened the main mosque of the Balkan velayat

Today, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening ceremony of the main mosque of the region as part of a working trip to the Balkan velayat, the state news Agency of Turkmenistan reported.

A magnificent white marble mosque built in one of the most beautiful corners of Balkanabat has become one of the main attractions of the administrative center of the velayat.

The total area of the complex is more than 14 hectares.The Central dome of the mosque is crowned with a Golden Crescent.The architectural complex also includes four minarets decorated with original decorative elements typical of Islamic culture.

The height of each of the four minarets is 63 meters, and the height of the dome is 40 meters.The two-story building of the mosque has a prayer hall for 3 thousand people.

Marble, granite, and precious woods were used for interior decoration.

The complex of the spiritual temple provides a special building for holding Sadaka for 1500 seats, a hotel for 50 seats and a Parking lot.

All buildings were built by builders of individual enterprises that are members of the Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs of the country, using the most advanced technologies, modern construction and finishing materials.

The magnificent mosque pleases the eye not only with its architectural embodiment, external and internal design, but also with its landscaped and landscaped surrounding territory. 3 thousand seedlings of deciduous and coniferous trees, 10 thousand ornamental shrubs were planted here.

A system of drip and sprinkler irrigation is provided.And in the evening, it looks especially picturesque thanks to the original lighting.

On the territory of a modern complex of objects that harmoniously fit into the architectural ensemble of the city, the President of Turkmenistan talked with respected elders, thanking them for their active participation in the education of the younger generation, significant events that are of great importance in the life of the country.

After blessing the opening of the new spiritual temple, the head of the Turkmen state went to the building, where, at the end of the prayer, he gave the mosque memorable gifts from Mecca.

Then the mufti of the country and the chief Imam of the new mosque acquainted President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with its arrangement, features of architectural embodiment and decoration, and also told about the meaning of the inscriptions decorating the walls of the mosque.

After donating a car to the new mosque, the Turkmen leader went to the building intended for ritual meals. Here, on the occasion of a significant event, the head of state gave a festive sadaka at the expense of royalties received for the works he created.

Addressing the audience and all compatriots with a welcoming speech, the leader of the nation cordially congratulated everyone on the opening of a new mosque in the Balkan velayat that meets international quality standards and was built in accordance with ancient architectural traditions and modern architectural trends.

"The Turkmen people have always carefully preserved and protected their national customs and rituals, cultural values. The Islamic religion is also an integral part of this heritage," Berdimuhamedov said.

"The Islamic religion is of great importance in educating people in the spirit of humanism, kindness, sincerity, good morals, and in revealing the best human qualities. This is why the state creates all conditions for ensuring freedom of conscience," the President of Turkmenistan said.

Stressing that such magnificent mosques are being built and put into operation in all the velayats of the country, the head of state cited a number of spiritual temples opened only in recent years as an example.

Among them are the main mosques of Mary and Dashoguz velayats, a mosque in the capital's residential complex "Parahat-7", which were opened in 2009, 2015 and 2018, respectively. This year, the main mosque of the Lebap velayat was also opened. Similar religious buildings were erected in other cities and villages.

The state, the leader of the nation further noted, also provides all possible support to those who Express a desire to perform the Hajj and visit Holy places. Every year, hundreds of our compatriots make a pilgrimage to the main Muslim Shrine-visit Mecca and Medina.

The Holy holidays of Oraza and Gurban are widely celebrated at the state level. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized that in order for our compatriots to celebrate them in peace, these days are declared non-working by a special decree.

"In order for our people to fully study religious teachings, ethical norms, and rituals, the office of the mufti of Turkmenistan publishes many books. All this is evidence of respect and respect for our religion and believers, " the head of state said.

Again heartily congratulating the clerics, all Turkmen people with the opening of the new great mosque with its unique architecture, the President said that will continue to be made every effort to ensure that Turkmen citizens may practice any religion, live in peace and harmony, to comprehensively improve the lives of our compatriots.

"May Almighty Allah accept all your good wishes, fulfill your dreams and hopes, and give you strength for good deeds," the leader of the nation concluded.

Then the head of Turkmenistan gave the floor to the mufti of the country, who read the prayer "tebyarek", after which a ritual meal was held.

At its end was lifted a prayer "ayat-tower".

At the end of the sadaka, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the participants and all his compatriots with his best wishes:

- May the data of sadaka and the prayers read be accepted by the Almighty!

- May peace and prosperity always reign on the Turkmen land!

Then the leader of the nation said a warm goodbye to the audience and left the event.

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