The President of Turkmenistan appointed new deputy hyakims of several velayats and etraps

The President of Turkmenistan appointed new deputy hyakims of several velayats and etraps

At a working meeting on the agricultural sector, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed decrees on the appointment and dismissal of deputy hyakims of several velayats and etraps, TDH reports.

Oguljennet Kakadurdyevna Berdilieva was relieved of her post as deputy hyakim of Lebap velayat for education, culture, health and sports due to a transfer to another job. Tavus Meilisovna Amanova, who previously held the position of deputy hyakim of the Ak Bugday etrap of Ahal velayat, was appointed in her place.

Arzygul Agamuradovna Orazova was relieved of her post as deputy hyakim of Mary velayat for education, culture, health and sports due to her transfer to another job. Chemen Jumamyrat gyzy Akyeva was appointed in her place.

Gulsenem Bayrammyradovna Mammedova was appointed deputy hyakim of Ak Bugday etrap, Ahal velayat.

Abdyrahman Seitniyazovich Babaniyazov was appointed deputy hyakim of the Turkmenbashy etrap of the Balkan velayat.

Rakhymberdi Khydyrov was appointed deputy khyakim of Bereket etrap, Balkan velayat.

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