The practice of traditional Indian medicine is actively promoted in Turkmenistan

The practice of traditional Indian medicine is actively promoted in Turkmenistan

The health-improving practice of traditional Indian medicine is being actively promoted in Turkmenistan.

Thus, final year students of the State Medical University of Turkmenistan study such areas of health improvement as: healthy rehabilitation, sports rehabilitation and traditional Indian medicine.

This was stated by the Minister of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan Myrat Mammedov at the celebration of International Yoga Day in Ashgabat, reports “Voice of the CIS”.

In July 2015, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the government of Turkmenistan and the government of the Republic of India on cooperation in the field of yoga and traditional medicine.

As part of such cooperation, a Yoga Center was created in Ashgabat at the Bagtyyarlyk sports complex, which became the first in the Central Asian region. At this time, the Center is one of the most visited sports institutions in the Turkmen capital. Today, more than 850 enthusiasts are studying here under the guidance of Indian mentors.

Also, as part of Turkmen-Indian cooperation, the practice of traditional Indian medicine was included in the curriculum, added Mammedov.

“At the State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev, such areas as healthy rehabilitation, sports rehabilitation and the study of Ayurveda traditional Indian medicine have been added to the preparatory plans of final year students,” the minister said.

In addition, at the Treatment and Consultation Center named after S.A. Niyazov, trainings on studying and performing yoga exercises by local specialists are held on a regular basis. The groups consist of 20 people, the source notes, citing the words of M. Mammedov.

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