The Plant Expands Its Activities

The Plant Expands Its Activities

The Dashoguz pre-cast concrete plant (under the Ministry of Industry and Construction Operations of Turkmenistan) is playing an increasingly important role in the northern region’s residential building sector.

Not only does the plant manufacture many types of pre-cast concrete products for building construction, it also boasts its own construction division, which has been constructing different types of domestic buildings across the region with mostly brick and large-panel apartment buildings built in city of Dashoguz, and single-family houses built in other parts of the velayat as part of the mortgage-backed housing program.

The enterprise is willingly collaborating and working together with local private businesses.Thus, it has employed several private firms as subcontractors for building single-story five-room houses with all modern conveniences in a new modern village currently under construction in Täze Ýol gengeshlik, Kounyaurgench etrap.

The enterprise’s partners are being constructing four single-story houses in the town of Akdepe and three two-story single-family houses with well-planned living space in the administrative center of Gurbansoltan-eje etrap.

The principal activity of the plant, properly equipped with up-to-date specialized facilities, still remains the production of ready-mix concrete and pre-cast concrete products (including pipes of different diameters, concrete sewer manhole covers, concrete curbs, etc.), which are highly acclaimed in different sectors of the national economy.

In 2019 alone, the plant manufactured products worth over 17 million manats.

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