The melon festival was successfully held in Uzbekistan

The melon festival was successfully held in Uzbekistan

In the ancient city of Khiva, the annual festival “Kovun Sayli”, dedicated to one of the most beloved delicacies of Uzbekistan - melon, has ended. The event, which took place from August 9 to 11, attracted the attention of both local residents and foreign guests, reports

According to the Tourism Committee under the Ministry of Ecology of Uzbekistan, during the festival, the Khorezm region was visited by more than 30 thousand foreign tourists and about 400 thousand guests from other regions of the country.

On an area of 4 hectares there are 60 pavilions representing various regions of Uzbekistan, including Karakalpakstan, regions and the capital Tashkent, as well as 13 cities and districts of the Khorezm region.

Visitors could see and taste not only a variety of fruits and vegetables and products of local artisans, but also get acquainted with 125 varieties of melons, including such famous ones as “Gurvak”, “Kilichboy Beshak”, “Karikiz” and many others.

Based on the results of the festival, winners in various categories were determined. The organizers also noted the achievements of the participants in the field of processing and storage of melon, restoration of ancient Khorezm varieties, introduction of innovative technologies and cultivation of the most profitable and export varieties.

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