The Main Academic Drama Theater of Turkmenistan takes part in the international festival “Eurasia”

The Main Academic Drama Theater of Turkmenistan takes part in the international festival “Eurasia”

The performance “Tree of Life” of the Main Academic Drama Theater named after S. Turkmenbashi the Great was announced in the program of the International Festival of Theater Arts “Eurasia”, held on May 22-28 in Tashkent and organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The plot of the play Ömür daragty (“Tree of Life”) is based on the legend of the poplar from the book “The Spiritual World of Turkmens” by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The production directed by Eziz Ishanguliyev, in which the plot parable, original melodic pattern and expressive choreography are organically intertwined, tells about enduring universal human values in a metaphorical language.

Within the framework of the festival, theater groups from Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Türkiye, Georgia, Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus and the host of the forum, Uzbekistan, also present their performances. All performances are evaluated by experts in various fields.

The main goal of the international creative project “Eurasia” is the development of international cooperation in the field of theatrical art, the further strengthening of social and cultural and humanitarian ties, the bonds of friendship and brotherhood between peoples, the formation of a single cultural platform.

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