The international scientific collection “Traces of Ages” was published in Turkmenistan

The international scientific collection “Traces of Ages” was published in Turkmenistan

The National Department of Turkmenistan for the Protection, Study and Restoration of Historical and Cultural Monuments presented the first edition of the international scientific collection Asyrlaryň yzlary (“Traces of Ages”). The event was held at the State Museum of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan, reports a Turkmenportal correspondent.

The collection, in three languages: Turkmen, English and Russian, presents the results of scientific research conducted in recent years on the historical and cultural monuments of Turkmenistan. The articles in the collection were written by leading scientists from Turkmenistan, France, Italy, Great Britain and Russia.

The almanac “Traces of Ages” is intended for a wide readership, including foreign ones. It will be presented in the libraries of major scientific centers in Asia, Europe and America, and will also be posted in electronic format on relevant Internet sites.

It is worth noting that currently, specialists of the National Department of Turkmenistan for the protection, study and restoration of historical and cultural monuments, on the basis of existing agreements, closely interact with leading scientific centers of foreign countries in order to deeply study the historical and cultural monuments of Turkmenistan and preserve them for future generations.

A set of works in this direction is carried out in accordance with the approved Decree of the President of Turkmenistan dated April 8, 2022 “State program for 2022-2028 for the careful preservation, protection and study of objects of national historical and cultural heritage, attracting tourists to them”.

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