The Honorary Title “People’s Doctor of Turkmenistan” is awarded to the best specialists of the health care system

In accordance with the Decree singed by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the honorary title "People's Doctor of Turkmenistan" was awarded to: Deputy Director General of the Ene Myahri International Centre of the Directorate of the International Medical Centres of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, Ulugberdiyeva Anna-Tach Atayevna; Head of II Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy of the International Cardiology Center of the Directorate of the International Medical Centres of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, Izmaylov Musa Azizovich; Head of Clinical Laboratory Department of the International Cardiology Center of the Directorate of the International Medical Centres of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, Karamyshova Nina Myradovna; Doctor of the International Cardiology Center of the Directorate of the International Medical Centres of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, Deryagulyyeva Ogulnur Ovezovna; Doctor of the International Cardiology Center of the Directorate of the International Medical Centres of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, Myradov Agaberdy; Head of Clinical Laboratory Department of the Surgical Suiteof the International Centre of Endocrinology and Surgery of the Directorate of the International Medical Centres of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, Mamedova Galina Ivanovna; Head of the Scientific organizational and methodological Department of the Clinical Research Centre of Oncology of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, Hummedov Ovezdurdy; Doctor of the Orthopaedical Department of the Dental Centre of the Directorate of the International Medical Centres of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, Rahmanova Margarita Djorayevna.

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