The head of Turkmenistan congratulated the leadership of India on the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations

The head of Turkmenistan congratulated the leadership of India on the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, on behalf of the people and the Government of Turkmenistan, and also on his own behalf, congratulated the President of the Republic of India Ram Nath Kovind, the Prime Minister of the Republic of India Narendra Modi and the people of this country on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Turkmenistan and the Republic of India.

Today the newspaper “Neutral Turkmenistan” reported about this.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted, that he warmly recalls the recent historically significant state visit of the President of the Republic of India to Turkmenistan. Also, he expressed confidence, that the talks in Ashgabat and the agreements reached would give a significant impetus to the progressive development and bringing bilateral relations to a new level.

The head of state stressed, that Turkmenistan and India had accumulated positive experience of interaction in the political, diplomatic, trade and economic and cultural and humanitarian spheres and expressed confidence in the successful implementation of regionally significant energy projects through joint efforts.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the end of the message expressed sincere wishes to President Ram Nath Kovind and Prime Minister Narendra Modi for good health, happiness and prosperity, and to the people of India peace, progress and prosperity.

Diplomatic relations between Turkmenistan and the Republic of India were established on April 20,1992.

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