At the Magtymguly Turkmen State University hosted the country's first Olympiad in mental arithmetic among students of secondary general education and specialized schools aged 6-14 years. The event, organized at the initiative of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, brought together about 110 participants from all regions of the country, the “Neutral Turkmenistan” newspaper reports.
During the Olympiad, national records were updated in three disciplines: “Square root in the mind”, “Addition in the mind” and “Talented calendar”. About 30 schoolchildren became winners, demonstrating a high level of proficiency in complex mathematical techniques.
Among the distinguished participants is Livanur Berdyeva, known for her participation in the Russian show “Amazing People”. After the award ceremony, she gave a little parting word to her peers:
Mental arithmetic is an interesting science of how to quickly add, multiply and subtract numbers in your mind.It helps develop memory and expands the horizons of understanding the world of numbers.
I am very pleased to hold the title of national record holder in working with square roots, as well as the champion of Turkmenistan in multiplying eight-digit numbers.
I have been doing mental arithmetic for three years now and I can say with confidence that in order to discover hidden possibilities within yourself, patience and desire are required.
The winners received diplomas and valuable gifts from the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.