The Embassy of Turkmenistan in Georgia organized an exhibition in the “Ahundov House”

The Embassy of Turkmenistan in Georgia organized an exhibition in the “Ahundov House”

On July 26, the art exhibition “Magtymguly Fragi: A View from Georgia” opened in the “Ahundov House” Gallery in Tbilisi.

The exhibition was organized by the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Georgia as part of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Turkmen poet and thinker Magtymguly Fragi.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Georgia, representatives of the country's ministries and departments, professional photographers and artists, cultural and art figures, representatives of the scientific intelligentsia, and the media.

The exhibition includes more than 50 works by Turkmen artists depicting famous events from Magtymguly's biography. The exhibition was shown against the backdrop of Turkmen national music.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to Georgia Dovletmyrat Seyitmammedov addressed the audience with a welcoming speech. He noted that this event will contribute to a wider acquaintance of the world community with the works of Magtymguly Fragi, strengthening friendship and cooperation between the fraternal peoples.

The head of the Krtsanisi district of Tbilisi, Beka Mikautadze, also spoke at the opening ceremony. He noted that an integral part of the modern Turkmen-Georgian interstate dialogue is the cultural and humanitarian sphere, emphasizing that holding such events will contribute to further strengthening of ties in the sphere of culture, science and education between Turkmenistan and Georgia.

The exhibition at the “Ahundov House” will run until August 2, according to a press release from the Turkmen diplomatic mission in Georgia.

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