The director of the reserve spoke about the unique artifacts found in Turkmenistan

The director of the reserve spoke about the unique artifacts found in Turkmenistan

A valuable treasure was found in the Dashoguz velayat of Turkmenistan, including ancient coins of the XII-XIII centuries. The director of the state historical and cultural reserve “Kunya Urgench” Parahat Ashirov spoke about the uniqueness of this find, writes “Vestiabad” News Agency.

The treasure, discovered by local residents Annamuhammed Durdyev and Bibijemal Berdygylyjova, consists of 18 gold coins, 3 silver coins, 61 fragments of gold coins and 8 multi-colored artifacts.

The find was made in the rural gengeshliks of Dovkesen and Sarygamysh in the etrap named after Saparmurat Turkmenbashy. The coins are engraved with the names of the rulers of Horezm - Tekesh and Ala-ad-Din, who headed the powerful state of the Turkmen in the lower reaches of the Amu Darya.

Parahat Ashirov emphasized the historical significance of the find: “Valuable relics were found on the territory of the Great Silk Road, one of the main routes of which in the Middle Ages passed through the city of Kunya Urgench-Gurganj.

This city was the center of science and culture, where outstanding Turkmen commanders and great scientists, known throughout the world, lived and worked”.

By order of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the artifacts were transferred to the Historical and Local Lore Museum of the city of Arkadag. Residents who discovered the treasure were awarded modern domestically produced televisions.

Ashirov also noted the monuments preserved in Kunya Urgench, including the tallest minaret of Kutlug Timur in Central Asia and the mausoleum of Nedjmeddin Kubra, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The director of the reserve emphasized the fruitful cooperation of Turkmenistan with UNESCO, which resulted in the inclusion of the Kopetdag state cultural and historical reserve, located on the territory of the ancient city of Gurganj, in the prestigious list of the organization.

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