The chairmanship of TURKSOY officially passed to Turkmenistan

The chairmanship of TURKSOY officially passed to Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan officially assumed the chairmanship of the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY) at a ceremony in Ashgabat on May 16. The chairmanship passed to Turkmenistan from Azerbaijan, reports the IIC.

At the 10th meeting of the National Commissions for UNESCO of the TURKSOY member countries, the Secretary General of the organization Sultan Raev handed over the symbol of chairmanship to the executive secretary of the National Commission of Turkmenistan for UNESCO Chinar Rustemova.

Rustemova will chair TURKSOY on behalf of Turkmenistan. She has extensive diplomatic experience, having served for a long time as Ambassador of Turkmenistan to India and China. Previously, her career was connected with the cultural sphere.

The transfer of chairmanship to TURKSOY underscores Turkmenistan’s commitment to the preservation and development of Turkic culture at the international level.

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