The captain of the Turkmen tennis players commented on the victory over the team of Uzbekistan at the championship of Central Asia (U-12)

The captain of the Turkmen tennis players commented on the victory over the team of Uzbekistan at the championship of Central Asia (U-12)

The captain of the men's team of Turkmenistan at the championship of Central Asia (U-12) held in Ashgabat, the country's first racket Yuri Rogussky commented on the historic victory of Turkmen tennis players over the team of Uzbekistan - 3:0 at these competitions.

We remind that for many years the national team of Uzbekistan in tennis was considered an insurmountable rival for the Turkmen people. No matter what tournaments of different ages these teams met, the Uzbeks always took the top. And now this sad tradition for Turkmen tennis has been broken.

According to Y.Rogussky, and he has been playing tennis for more than 20 years, earlier there were only single victories for Turkmen tennis players over rivals from Uzbekistan, and even then in singles.

So it was in 2017 at the IV Islamic Solidarity Games in Baku, when Yuri Rogussky beat Sergei Fomin and in 2019 at the Central Asian Championship (U-12), when Imran Akhundov beat his Uzbek counterpart.

But until now, the team of Uzbekistan has not been able to win in team competitions.

According to Yuri Rogussky, today's success of the youth team of Turkmenistan (U-12) is a natural result of purposeful work in the country to develop tennis.

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