At the meeting which took place in the Chinese Urumchi with representatives of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and heads of Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Institute issues of restoration of the region after COVID-19, and also improvements of use of transport corridors in Central Asia were discussed.
AIIB vice-president Konstantin Limitovsky stated that the bank is ready to allocate for the specified projects of the investment in the amount of 13 billion dollars.
Currently already 104 countries of the world became members of the financial association which obligations make up 22 billion dollars. The bank actively displays itself in the projects connected with water and transport sectors of Uzbekistan, in power energy sector of Tajikistan, and also in activity on budgetary support of Kazakhstan.
CAREC the intergovernmental organisation in common operated eleven countries Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, the Chinese People’s Republic, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The institute’s main objective is advancement of economic cooperation between the states entering into the association.
The organisation considers issues such as increase in incomes of intraregional trade, expansion of the markets, creation of the general information platforms for information interchange and interaction in spheres of agriculture, water resources, trade and tourism.
Heads of AIIB and CAREC noted importance of the teamwork directed to elimination of trading barriers in Central Asia at the meeting.