For certain almost any person on the Earth once in his life held in his hands a photocamera. But professional photographers are not many. And after all, works of real masters of business bring to spectators original aesthetic pleasure.
There are also remarkable masters of photographic art in Turkmenistan.Some years ago they united in the Ashkhabad photographic club “Ferula”.The club has received the name from the plant which can be met in the desert Kara Kum.
This surprising creation of nature does not have colours and leaves, instead of them outgrowths in the form of a bowl in which for night dew accumulates.Both animals and travellers can resupply by means of this moisture of forces.
And the club, according to its head Vyacheslav Sarkisyan, helps talented masters of photo to satisfy the thirst of creativity and will share with the world their works.
In the previous years of works created by both Vyacheslav, and his colleagues were exhibited at exhibitions in twelve countries and time and again have been marked by prestigious awards. In 2020 works by tens of representatives of “Ferula” were exhibited in India and Turkey.
Among clubmen is Svetlana Krupskaya.Having got art and architectural education, she travelled much, studying the life and culture of various people, actively using her photocamera.At some instant having understood that she did not have not enough technical knowledge and skills, she took a course of professional photo and has joined participants of the club.
Now a lot of time she gives to the genre of street photo.
And Sergey Mirzoev has fallen in love with photo since his childhood. Long time it remained simply hobby, but in due course it became a trade. Today Sergey supervises over a photographic studio, and is the prize-winner of several competitions, and his works can be admired in many magazines of Turkmenistan.
Nury Niyazov is fond of photo art, being the actor of the opera and ballet theatre. Nury does not consider himself professional. He considers best of his works those pictures where the spectator is capable to feel music sounding.
Vladimir Polyansky the veteran of the Ashkhabad world of photo art. Since his childhood he has loved travelling and dreamt to embody beauty of nature of his native land on a film. Beauty of dream places of Turkmenistan is today a favourite theme of creativity of the photographer.
Ahmed Tangrykuliev has got a speciality of artist-teacher, however the photo became the main way of self-realisation for him. Favourite themes work of workers, carpet makers, oil industry workers, fishermen of the Caspian Sea and national cultural heritage.
Alina Tolstikhina began her career in the photographic studio A-Studio as the artist-retoucher of digital files, and subsequently was engaged in professional photographing. The first participation in a large international photo salon in Austria was successful: Alina had received a gold medal. Now she continues to improve her skill, visits master classes and works in New York.
Among clubmen is also Ahmed Hallyev, he is a painter, and his photographic works are indeed comparable with art canvases. The surname of the author of many reporting, landscape pictures on the site Suleiman Charyev is familiar to many readers of ORIENT. But Begench Shikhliev sees as his favourite theme Akhalteke horses.
Vyacheslav Sarkisyan, an honorary member of the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP), owner of awards of variety of international competitions supervises over the club “Ferula”.
These remarkable photographers have entered the team of “Ferula” which adequately presented Turkmenistan at the 15th World Cup of FIAP among clubs World Cup for Clubs.In total 232 teams took part in the contest.
The representatives of Turkmenistan debuting in this world championship secured 305 test points that allowed the team to take a place in the middle of standings.For the first participation in such prestigious competition it is rather worthy result.
The greatest contribution to the general result of the team was brought by works of Tangrykuliev and Shikhliev.
The victory was gained with result of 406 points and the owner of a World Cup the club “Eurasia” representing Russia.
And the team “Rolls-Royce Derby” from Great Britain became the owner of not less valuable trophy bearing the name of art heading the International federation of photo during the period from 1985 to 1991 of Belgian scientist Maurice Dorikens.
The basic privileges received from the participation of the Ashkhabad team in the World championship, Sarkisyan considers invaluable experience and acquaintance with the best works of foreign colleagues, possibility to expand a circle of acquaintances in the professional environment.
Clubmen are sure that after improvement of the epidemiological situation in the world they can organise a personal exhibition of the works for a wide range of fans of photographic art.