Sugar beet is a product to treat for many illnesses…

Sugar beet is a product to treat for many illnesses…

Even in ancient times, the Assyrians, Babylonians and Persians knew beets as a medicinal plant. In list of plants of the gardens of the Babylonian king Mero-dah-Baladan (722-711 BC), there is a mention of leaf beets, which confirms that cultural cultivation of beets began about 1000 years before our era.

Ancient Greeks, while offering beet greens to the god Apollo, served it on a silver platter. While in Egypt, slaves were the primary consumers of beets.

At all times and among different peoples, beets were considered an exclusively healing product. Even Hippocrates recognized it as useful for treating patients and included it in dozens of medicinal prescriptions. Serious works on its medicinal properties were left by Dioscoril and Avicenna.

Fodder beet, table beet and white beet varieties have been developed over time from cultivar such as wild beet. First sugar beets were bred from white table beet variety.

The discovery of beet sugar, alternative to sugarcane, in the history of science is related to Andreas Sigismund Marggraf, a German chemist, Member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences.

Franz Karl Achard was first to open the factory devoted to sugar extraction from beetroots in Poland. Since 1801, the work on selection of new beet varieties has become intense.

In folk medicine, sugar beets are highly praised for medical properties. Eating beet can help to increase immunity, improve digestion and metabolism. Sugar beet can improve cardiovascular system, hemoglobin production and blood vessel function. Beets can lower the risk of developing atherosclerosis, anemia, hypertension and leukemia.

Beetroot juice extractions can cleanse our body of all unwanted toxins. In food poisoning, it is good to drink the fresh beet extract. In addition, modern pharmacology shows that sugar beet exhibits rejuvenating, nourishing, moisturizing and whitening activity on the face skin.

Beets production is a zero-waste cycling process.Its every part is used: sugar, pulp, molasses and even defecate.Waste is just as important as sugar.Molasses is used for the production of alcohol, glycerin, citric acid, yeast and organic acids.

Defecate is considered an essential fertilizer for plants, and pulp is a juicy and healthy cattle feed supplement.In addition, ethanol, which is necessary for the production of diesel fuel, is made from sugar beet.

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