Structural modernization of agricultural complex allows providing full cycle of crops production in the regions

Specialists of enterprises of Dashoguz Velayat started stocking up seeding material from the wheat of new harvest.These are modern grain elevators in S.Turkmenbashy and Boldumsaz etrap, which have automated process lines for stocking seeding material.

the grain is delivered form temporary storage to the equipment of famous “Cambria” brand where selection, cleaning and processing of grain is carried out.After the number of laboratory analyses for quality it is packed and sent for storage.

The process of sanitary mode is also automated.

Dashoguz velayat is in the number of largest wheat producers in the country.Dynamic development of the branch raised the necessity of expansion and modernisation of stocking and processing infrastructure.

Modern specialized enterprises built in the region allows storing large volumes of wheat without the loss of consumer features, process received harvest and provide the region with quality seeding material.

High technology equipment of new grain elevator allows stocking of 60 80 tons of selected seeding grains per day. The availability of efficient production base supported the establishment of full cycle of production in the region from sowing of the crops up to its processing.

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