Silkworm breeders of Turkmenistan handed over more than 2.1 thousand tons of cocoons to the state

Silkworm breeders of Turkmenistan handed over more than 2.1 thousand tons of cocoons to the state

Silkworm breeders of Turkmenistan handed over more than 2.1 thousand tons of cocoons to the state. Deputy Prime Minister T. Atahalliyev reported this at a Government meeting on June 7.

It was noted that thanks to large-scale government support, industry workers, having collected a rich harvest of cocoons, honorably fulfilled their contractual obligations.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, having received with satisfaction the good news about the successful fulfillment of contractual obligations by the country’s silkworm breeders, cordially congratulated them on their labor victory, TDH reports.

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