Seydi Cotton Spinning Factory Produced Products Worth Almost 28 Million Manats

Seydi Cotton Spinning Factory Produced Products Worth Almost 28 Million Manats

Since the beginning of the year, the Seydi Cotton Spinning Factory has produced 1166 tons of cotton yarn worth almost 28 million manats.

The finished products were sold to domestic consumers, and some were sent for export, the newspaper "Neutral Turkmenistan" reports.

The company works with local raw materials produced at the velayat's cotton ginning plants. Quality control is carried out from the moment of receiving raw materials until the release of finished products, which has a positive effect on the quality of the goods.

The factory is one of the enterprises built in the Lebap velayat during the years of independence. It was put into operation in 2014 and is equipped with modern equipment from well-known manufacturers from Switzerland, Russia and Türkiye.

In the region, over the years of independence, in addition to Seydi, three more modern cotton spinning factories have been built, which produce high-quality products for the country's textile industry.

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