On October 16 2020, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers where priorities of the state development have been discussed and drafts of some documents have been reviewed.
Having announced the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Mushikov who reported about work in the establishments of the sphere under his supervision, measures for use of potential of private sector and government support of entrepreneurship.
According to the Law of Turkmenistan on Denationalization and Privatization of the State-owned Property, the Cabinet of Ministers approves the list of facilities, which are subject to be denationalized and privatized, upon provision of authorized bodies.
In this regard, the Ministry of Finances and Economy regularly collects and analyses proposals from the ministries, profile departments, administrations of the regions and Ashgabat on this matter.
By the outcomes of work, relative list, which was reviewed at the session of the Interdepartmental Central Commission under the Ministry of Finances and Economy, has been presented to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.
Having listened to the report, the Head of the State noted that measures undertaken in this direction support the increment of the share of non-governmental sector of the economy. Having approved the presented proposal and relative list, the President of the country requested to hold solution of outlined objectives under permanent control.
After, the vice-premier has reported on fulfilment of assignment for expansion of range of non-cash payments, increment of number of services provided by credit facilities of the country to the population.
It was informed that it is proposed to introduce new banking card “Owerdraft Karty” for increment of financial capabilities of the citizens while buying consumer goods based on their application for acceleration of the registration of short-term credits to the amount of from 40 percent to three-time salary wage.
Samples of new bank cards, which are planned to be introduced by the government and joint stock commercial banks, have been presented to the President.
Having focused on importance of activation of work in the banking sector of the country for successful solution of objectives on transit to digital economy, Turkmen leader highlighted that introduction of the instruments of non-cash payments, which are based on modern technologies, including payment cards, are among perspectives plans these days.
Having expressed delight with work for expansion of the list of banking services offered to the population, including services using Internet network and mobile communication, the President approved the samples of “Owerdraft Karty” and addressed the Vice-premier with certain assignments.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov has reported on the situation in the sphere under his supervision and work for implementation of the Program of development of oil and gas industry until 2030.
Summing up the report, President has focused on the main objectives of fuel and energy complex including strengthening of its industrial, scientific, technical and export potential, expansion of beneficial contacts with foreign partners and attraction of foreign investments.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev has reported on integrated measures for strengthening of food provision, acceleration of rates of seasonal agricultural campaigns. At present time, sowing of wheat and cotton harvest campaign are continued in the fields.
The Vice-premier has reported on fulfilment of assignments for provision of food abundance and provision of the population with local production.It was informed that harvesting of vegetables, fruits, cucurbitaceous crops, which are sold in local market, is continued in all regions.
Care of other agricultural crops, which were planted in in the autumn, is also continued and proper measures for completion of sowing of onion are taken.
Summing up the report, the Head of the State highlighted that reforms in agricultural complex are aimed at the formation of market relations, improvement of level of technical and technological provision of the industry, increment of volumes of agricultural production.
The President of Turkmenistan has specified improvement of management and structural reformation of agriculture, development of new lands, enhancement of soil fertility and production of agricultural crops, introduction of advanced technologies and scientific and technical developments among perspective vectors.
Development of livestock farming is one of important objectives of agricultural complex. Owing to special attention paid to the industry, number of livestock of the government and private ownership is increased every year.
New modern equipment, which is systematically procured and put to the fields during harvesting, cotton harvest and sowing campaigns, is a significant help for the agrarians. Mechanisation and automation of work are the main aspect of improvement of efficiency of agricultural production.
Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Durdiliyev has reported about situation in the spheres under his supervision and fulfilment of assignments for development of Ashgabat and preparation to the 25th anniversary of neutrality of Turkmenistan.
The vice-premier has reported on work for development of Turkmen capital and improvement of urban environment. It was mentioned that according with the General Development Plan of the main city of the country, road and transport infrastructure, appearance of residential estates are improved, planting of trees in surrounding territory, construction of social, cultural and other facilities are continued.
Having listened to the report, the President highlighted that provision of deserved living conditions of the population, development of the capital, cities and villages have special place in implementation of the programs of social and economic development of Turkmenistan.
In this context, the Head of the State requested the Vice-premier to implement strict control of works for improvement of Ashgabat’s appearance.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Ovezov has reported on measures for improvement of equipment and facility base of transport and communication complex as well as on digitization of the sphere.
The Vice-premier has reported that the main objectives include the integration to the world transport system and further expansion of the infrastructure of railroad transport. In this regard, it was reported that Türkmendemirýollary Agency works on provision of qualitative transport services and safety of cargo traffic.
Having listened the information, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that our initiatives for restoration of the Silk Road, development of regional and transcontinental routes require the establishment of equipment and facility base of transport sphere. Therefore, at present time, it is necessary to modernize the industry and introduce the latest technologies.
Having highlighted the subjects of digital transformation of communication complex, Turkmen leader stated that our country started implementation of number of big projects aimed at creation of all-inclusive profile system based on advanced technologies, increment of volume, quality and variety of communication services.
The Head of the State has focused on importance of acceleration of rates of the process of digitization of the sphere, having given specific instructions to the Vice-premier.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported to the President about work for organization of virtual exhibition of economic achievements of Turkmenistan.
The Vice-premier has reported that Trade and Industrial Chamber of the country together with ministries and departments have developed the project of virtual exhibition for fulfilment of assignments on implementation of digital economy to all branches of national economy as well as implementation of the Program of development of foreign economic activity of Turkmenistan in 2020 2025.
Demonstration of economic achievements of Turkmenistan in global network using virtual displays and accessible electronic resources will allow remote users to receive interesting information.
At present time, the portal includes the content presenting production and services of the participants, which are able to renew their expositions and introduce additional data. The Vice-premier has informed that the launch of the portal is planned on November 1 this year.
In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that implementation of Virtual Exhibition project is a good opportunity for demonstration of success, effective advertisement campaign, a way to find deserving partners, enter into new contracts, assess the tendencies of the market and their capabilities.
It is necessary to attract innovative technologies for organization of similar exhibitions, the Head of the State highlighted.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Mammedova has reported to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov about preparation to coming celebration events and opening of social facility timed to the events.
Various cultural events including round tables, conferences, exhibitions and cultural meetings are planned to be held on occasion of the Harvest Holiday, 27th anniversary of introduction of national currency of Turkmenistan and 25th anniversary of neutrality of Turkmenistan. Number of video conference events is planned to for further development and strengthening of international cooperation in cultural sphere.
Meetings for covering of the objectives followed from the decisions of the session of the People’s Council, national community day, events on occasion of the Harvest holiday as well as volleyball competition will be held during the month.
Turkmenistan Youth Award ceremony of the best members distinguished in work of the organization will be held on occasion of the anniversary of Magtumguly Youth organization.
Number of ceremonies will be held on occasion of the opening of new facilities in the capital and regions.The facilities planned to be opened in Ahal Region in November include the Saglyk building and residential buildings, Bagabat Sanatorium for 200 patients and 23-km road leading to it in Ak Bugday district, infectious disease hospital for 200 patients in Gyoktepe etrap.
Opening of big residential complex along Magtumguly Avenue between Taslama and Teheran Streets in Ashgabat, road, sculpture of Turkmen Alabay, shopping and entertainment centre, living houses for personnel of the Ministry of Interior in Choganly residential complex of the capital will be marked with celebration events. New constructions include some production facilities.
Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the vice-premier with instructions for provision of high level of celebration events and cultural activities.
The Head of the state has also requested to provide high level of all coming cultural activities including international events dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutral status of the country.
The President highlighted that events timed to anniversary date give excellent opportunity in steadfast development of the country and are to enrich relations of Turkmenistan with foreign states with new content.
Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Geldiniyazov has reported on work for improvement of activity of the sphere under his supervision, having presented Draft Resolution on Approval of the State Program of integrated development of chemical science and technologies in Turkmenistan in 20221 2025 for review.
It was mentioned that according to the Program, it is planned to increase the role of chemical science, carry out studies for development of innovative technologies, production of eco-friendly, energy saving, import substitutive, competitive production, to accelerate the rates of implementation of results of scientific studies to production, having provided close relations between science, education and production.
Having listened to the report, the Head of the State highlighted that relying on integrated and comprehensive development of national economy, Turkmenistan stands for active attraction of modern innovations to all spheres of activity.
Highlighting exclusive importance of increment of efficiency of scientific studies in chemical sphere and their rapid implementation to production, Turkmen leader ordered the Vice-premier to take proper measures for further stimulation f scientific activity, wide use of potential of scientific and research facilities and training of young scientists.
Having signed the Resolution on Approval of the State Program of integrated development of chemical science and technologies in Turkmenistan in 2021 2025, the President sent it to the Vice-premier by electronic document management system, having instructed to hold fulfilment of all outlined objectives under strict control.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov has informed the Head of the state about measures for development of cooperation between Turkmenistan and UNESCO, specialized UN agency for education, science and culture.
It was mentioned that at present moment, the Secretariat of the UNESCO has registered nomination on inclusion of dutar making craft, playing this musical instrument and art of bakhshy to the List of Intangible Cultural heritage. These matters are planned to be reviewed at the session of Intergovernmental Committee of the UNESCO for intangible cultural heritage in November 2021.
At the same time, work for preparation of the nomination on inclusion of Ashgabat to the Network of Art cities of the UNESCO is under completion.The goal of this Network, which was established in 2004 and including 180 cities, is to develop multilateral cooperation and to exchange the practice between the cities of the world.
In this regard, it is proposed to send relative documents to the UNESCO.
Work for preparation of nominations for inclusion of horse breeding art of ahalteke horses and breeding of Turkmen alabays, which are national heritage of our people, according to international standards of the UNESCO has been arranged under cooperation with the above-mentioned organization.
It was mentioned that measures are taken for strengthening of international legal base in science, education and culture.In this aspect, work on the matters related to joining of Turkmenistan to the UNESCO conventions on combating discrimination in education sphere, on protection and promotion of variety of forms of cultural expression as well as on recognition of qualifications related to higher education is carried out.
Draft Joint Action Plan for 2021 2023, which is proposed to be sent to this organization and hold consultations with its specialists in the second half of October, has been developed for further continuation of cooperation between our country and UNESCO.
Taking into account new directions of the partnership, in particular in such spheres as digital technologies, climate change, management of water resources, sport and tourism, it seems to be reasonable to take measures for improvement of efficiency of activity of National Commission of Turkmenistan for UNESCO.
Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that our country demonstrates integrated approach to implementation of the Sustainable development goals in UNESCO direction. Long bilateral relations in scientific and educational spheres, culture and protection of historical and architectural monuments visually indicate dynamic character of cooperation with this big UN structure.
The course toward digitization, implementation of innovations in all spheres of society, active use of advanced information and communication technologies open good perspectives for expansion of traditional contacts and enrichment of their content.
Having approved the presented proposals, Turkmen leader gave instructions for strengthening of cooperation with UNESCO to the Head of the Foreign Ministry, having highlighted importance of work for popularization of rich historical and cultural heritage of Turkmen people.
Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova has informed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov about activity of National Parliament for modernization of legal bases of Turkmenistan, which is carried out in accordance with constitutional changes and taking into account the world legal practice.
In this context, it was noted that Laws on National Council of Turkmenistan, on Local Representative Authorities of the Government Power, on Amendments and Addendums of the Election Code of Turkmenistan are under development at present time.
The work for Laws on Art Associations, on Renewable Sources of Energy, On Saving and Efficient Use of Energy, new editions of Civil, Administrative and Arbitrage Codes is carried out as well.
The Code on Land, labour and family codes, the Code on Social Protection of Population and other legal acts are improved according to the working plan of the Mejlis and based on study of international practice and proposals from the ministries and profile departments.
Preparation to the 12th session of the Mejlis, which will review the Draft Law on National Council of Turkmenistan and other legal acts, planned on October 24 is carried out.
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has focused on the necessity of joint work of deputies, representatives of political parties and public associations, elative specialists of the ministries, profile departments and scientific institutes on propaganda and explanation of the meaning and importance of implementation of decisions made at the session of the People’s Council to the population.
After, the floor was given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch. Amanov who reported on activity of the structures under his supervision, implementation of the military reform initiated by the President of Turkmenistan, modernization of equipment and facility base of security structures.
The Vice-premier, Secretary of the State Security Council has also presented drafts of emblem of coming year, which would be held under slogan 2021 International Year of Peace and Trust, developed by military and law enforcement agencies to Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.
Having listened to the report, the Head of the State noted that successful fulfilment of plans by military and law enforcement agencies, in particular for modernization of equipment and facility base of the Armed Forces, their provision with new special equipment, require professionalism and high level of legal education of officers, ability to operate modern technologies and addressed specific assignments to the Vice-premier, Secretary of the State Security Council.
Having reviewed the presented samples, the President noted that unanimous adoption of the Resolution “2021 International Year of Peace and Trust” proposed by Turkmenistan by the members at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly indicates huge requirement of this initiative of our country.
Peace and trust are what the humankind needs at this moment as currently, these two inseparable concepts become the main term of cooperation and development, the President of Turkmenistan continued.
Global security and prosperity of all nations of the planet, progress and humanity, spirituality and friendship, all of these are the main aspects of the strategy of independent Turkmen state, which has recognized neutral foreign course.
Having made number of proposals on presented samples, the Head of the State made relative corrections and addressed the assignments on improvement of the emblem of 2021.
Finishing video conference session of the Government, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished strong health, family wealth and success in work to all participants.
State News Agency of Turkmenistan