Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed farmers to prepare properly for the upcoming sowing season

Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed farmers to prepare properly for the upcoming sowing season

The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov during a working meeting on the digital system with the hyakims to ensure the proper functioning of agricultural machinery and units that will be involved in the spring campaign, to take measures for the organized sowing of potatoes and other fruits and vegetables, as well as to properly prepare for the upcoming sowing season, velayats and Deputy Prime Minister Tangryguly Atahalliyev, who oversees the agro-industrial complex, reports TDH.

As noted, in order to successfully implement the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan “On the production of a rich wheat harvest in Turkmenistan in 2024,” care for wheat crops continues in the fields of the velayats in accordance with agrotechnical standards.

In preparation for sowing cotton, land is plowed and leveled, and the necessary measures are taken to effectively use agricultural machinery and equipment. To provide cotton growers with high-quality seeds in the spring season, processing of seed material at cotton ginning enterprises continues and its storage is ensured in accordance with established requirements.

Along with this, appropriate measures are being taken to organize the spring sowing of potatoes and other fruits and vegetables.

Summarizing the report, the President of Turkmenistan noted that today it is very important to successfully fulfill the assigned tasks for growing crops.In this context, the Deputy Prime Minister was instructed to keep under strict control issues related to the care of wheat fields in accordance with agrotechnical standards, the accelerated preparation of land for sowing cotton and high-quality seeds for cotton growers, as well as the harvesting of sugar beets.

Addressing the hakims of the velayats, the head of state focused on the need to prepare properly for the upcoming sowing season, ordering to ensure the proper functioning of agricultural machinery and units that will be involved in the spring campaign, and to take measures for the organized sowing of potatoes and other fruits and vegetables.

The President of the country also instructed to ensure the uninterrupted operation of heating systems at social facilities and the supply of electricity, natural gas and drinking water to the population of the velayats.

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