Serdar Berdimuhamedov Appoints New Judges to Turkmenistan Courts

Serdar Berdimuhamedov Appoints New Judges to Turkmenistan Courts

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed a decree at a regular meeting of the State Security Council on Thursday, appointing and dismissing judges in Turkmenistan courts and assigning them qualification classes.

According to Turkmenistan's official media, the document was adopted in accordance with Articles 54, 56, and 72 of Turkmenistan's "On Courts" Law.

Per the decree, Orazmyradov Gaygysyz Kakabayevich was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of Turkmenistan, Achylov Jumamyrat Charyevich as Chairman of the Dashoguz province court, Allaberenov Amangeldi Dovletgeldiyevich as Deputy Chairman of the Ashgabat City Court, Tulekova Sulgunjemal Saparbayevna as judge of the Kopetdag District Court of Ashgabat, and Charyev Mekan Yazmyradovich as judge of the Turkmengala District Court of Mary province.

Tuvakmyradov Soltanmyrat Tuvakmyradovich was appointed judge of the Berkararlyk District Court of Ashgabat, Ilyasov Mekan Ashyrgeldiyevich as judge of the Turkmenbashi City Court of Balkan province, Tokayeva Mahrijemal Rejepmuratovna as judge of the Gorogly District Court of Dashoguz province, and Geldiyeva Ayna Jumageldiyevna as judge of the Turkmenabat City Court of Lebap province, all of whom received a 5th qualification class.

Due to the expiration of their terms, Atayev Maksat Bayramovich was relieved of his position as Judge of the Administrative and Enforcement Proceedings of the Buzmeyin District Court of Ashgabat, and Atayev Ovezmyrat Yaranovich as judge of the Administrative and Enforcement Proceedings of the Kerki District Court of Lebap region.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also signed an order during the meeting, issuing a reprimand to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan and a strict reprimand to the Chief of the State Border Service of Turkmenistan, who commands the Border Troops.

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