The state information agency TDH reports that at the extended Cabinet session to sum up the performance of the Cabinet of Ministers on 8 July President Serdar Berdymukhammedov dismissed Deputy Prime Minister overseeing science and education, healthcare and sport Sapardurdy Toilyev.
The reasons behind the dismissal have not been mentioned. Prior to that Toilyev gave a progress report on the performance of the areas he was supervising. Minister of Healthcare and Medical Industry Nurmukhammed Amannepesov was appointed as his replacement.
Amannepesov’s deputy, Atageldi Germanov, was appointed the Minister of Healthcare.
Aknabat Atabayev was relieved of the post of deputy khyakim of Mary velayat overseeing education, culture, healthcare and sport and appointed Chancellor of the Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management.
Dovletgeldi Myradov was relieved of his post of Chancellor of the Turkmen State University of Agriculture named after S.A. Niyazov. Allaberdi Gapurov, who was relieved of the post of the Chancellor of the Turkmen State University of Agriculture was appointed as his replacement.
Vice Provost of the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction Dovlet Yolov was appointed Chancellor of the Turkmen State University of Agriculture.
After personnel reshuffle the President charged Nurmukhammed Amannepesov with the following tasks:
Carry out renovations and capital repair in secondary and higher educational establishments;
Organize children’s summer holidays in recreational centres;
Prepare the government for the upcoming conference devoted to the education reform for educators;
Ensure public control over the entrance exams and admission tests to higher educational establishments;
Prepare for the introduction of digital systems course in the school curriculum;
Improve the financial situation of educational establishments;
Regularly improve the syllabi, curricula, textbooks and teaching manuals;
Carry out the work to include Turkmen universities in the list of renowned universities all over the world in the student performance;
Prepare proposals for awarding diplomas to students who have graduated from higher and secondary vocational educational institutions on fee-paid basis without the mandatory two-year internship.
In January “Chronicles of Turkmenistan” reported that executives of most companies coerce a bribe of up to 20 thousand manats ($5,7 thousa using the official rate or a bit less than a thousand USD at the current “black market” rate) for the consent form to hire university graduates for a two-year internship.
After that a graduate can choose not to work and will receive all the required documents for obtaining the diploma.
In conclusion the head of state instructed that the employment of young specialists be facilitated.The post S.
Berdymukhammedov replaces Deputy Prime Minister overseeing education and proposes to give diplomas to students without completing internship first appeared on Chronicles of Turkmenistan.